The way your institution website looks could play a role in impressing the visitors to attract towards your institute. Standard WordPress themes might be able to make your online presence better than many Kindergartens, schools, universities and specialized courses competing. They handle the task for you and gives A good education theme has course management systems, teacher biography pages, course rating and review widgets, events calendars and many more. Choosing one having all these features is not so easy thing. Let us guide you for this one: 1.HB Education Pro It is a simple, clean, beautifully designed responsive WordPress Education WordPress Theme. It’s minimal, but mostly used features will help you set up your website easily and quickly. Main features of HB Education Pro are full-width layout, featured slider, services/features layout, blog layout, social media integration, and full-width page layout, WooCommerce ready, cross-browser compatible, SEO friendly.HB Education Theme is… read more